Pastor Orlando L. Hadnot was born September 21, 1970, in Galveston, Texas. He moved to Sacramento, California, in 1980 and then to Los Angeles in 1986.
It was in Los Angeles at Washington Preparatory High School where he met his wife, Shannon. They were married in 1992. They have been married 28 years and have two children, Joshua and Jadan.
Pastor Hadnot served as an Operations Specialist in the United States Navy from 1989-1993. He received his Master’s Degree in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix in 2005. He has over 26 years of business leadership training, as well as spiritual development.
Pastor Hadnot became a member of Holy Tabernacle of God Missionary Baptist Church in November 1991. He has served in various capacities of the church: yoke fellow, deacon in training, Stewardship team leader, Sunday School teacher and Men’s Ministry team leader. During this time, he was entrusted with the opportunity to lead important courses of ministry training, such as Experiencing God, Purpose Driven Life, Kingdom Man, and many others. During the two years the church did not have a pastor, he served as facilitator of the church weekly business meetings, where the business plan and weekly functions of the church were determined.
His favorite pastimes are watching football and basketball. He also likes to bowl, work out, and to attend comedy shows and live concerts.
Pastor “O,” as many call him, is a willing servant, eager to share life experiences and to help others navigate through life’s challenges. His heart is towards God’s people to reach, teach, disciple and love. He truly is a pastor given to us from God’s own heart.